The cockpit voice recording of the last seconds of the flight indicates that the first officer and captain agreed that they were cleared for 23R, though they were still on approach to 23L. Western Airlines was a major airline based in California, operating in the Western United States including Alaska and Hawaii, and western Canada, as well as to New York City, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Miami and to Mexico City, London and Nassau. Accessed 10-7-2016 at:, Aviation Safety Network. The Douglas DC10, even before 1979 suffered multiple hull loses and even for a time, held the accolade of being the aircraft involved in the deadliest air disaster to have occurred at that time.. Accident, incident and crash related photos, Air to Air As it touched down, the airplane clipped a loaded dumptruck parked on a closed runway. Plane Toll Hits 75. Evening Review, East Liverpool, OH, 11-20-1979, 1. Flight 2605 was piloted by Captain Charles Gilbert (53), First Officer Ernst Reichel (46) and Flight Engineer Daniel Walsh (39). And besides, side-step maneuvers are not uncommon at>airports with parallel runways, and there generally aren't published>procedures for the approach. Investigators, aided by experts from the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration, worked through the night under floodlights at the crash site. The damaged aircraft, still airborne with takeoff thrust engaged, began to bank to the right. used 2017 honda pioneer 1000 for sale; how to threaten someone and scare them Photos taken by airborne photographers of airborne aircraft, Special Paint Schemes [9], 73 NTSB. As long as the gullible public will hit on your site ------------------------------------------------------------------------|Rich Ahrens | Homepage: || |-----------------------------------------------||"In a world full of people only some want to fly - isn't that crazy?" Descend through a fog bank was continued below the 600 feet minimum for instrument approaches. Later, though, he was able to share these stories with their families. During the approach, the crew were advised four times by approach control or the tower that the intended landing runway was 23R. RE: Western 2605 In MEX - New Pics #8819177 BY thegoldenargosy - Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:22 am One of the flight attendants survived and is still flying for DL in SLC. With runway 23L closed for maintenance, what air traffic controllers expected Flight 2605 to do was to perform what is known as asidestep maneuverto the (open) runway 23R. Survivor Tells of Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. Nov 1, UPI: Mexico City (UPI) Confusion over two parallel runways sent 74 people to their deaths in the fiery crash of a Western Airlines DC-10 at the fog-shrouded Mexico City airport. Part of the DC-10's left wing traveled well off airport grounds, impacting a residential building on Matamoros Street in the Pen de los Baos colonia, causing a fire there too. This turned out more informative than I would have imagined. I'm not surprised you have no info.a cover-up is just that. Letter to Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration. 74 Eckert. The rest were identified by nationality. When the aircraft was on final approach, the control tower operator repeated that the runway in use was 23 Right and drew the attention of the pilot to the fact that he was left of the flight path he should be following to land on the runway in use. With Runway 23L closed for maintenance, the controllers expected Flight 2605 to perform a sidestep maneuver to the open runway, 23R. NTSB writes that there was one. Aircraft Accident Digest No. [failed verification] The sky was quite dark, as twilight had only started five minutes before the crash, and ground fog obscured the runway. It's going, You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, On Mon, 3 May 1999 10:11:34 -0400, "Allan9" <, I've got someone that I have verified that they were on board (a cabin. >10/31/1979 05:42 LOCATION: Mexico City, Mexico CARRIER: Western Air Lines FLIGHT: 605 AIRCRAFT: Douglas DC-10-10 REGISTRY: N903WA S/N: 46929 ABOARD: 88 FATAL: 72 GROUND: 1 DETAILS: The aircraft struck a vehicle after landing on a closed runway. 2. The crew was advised on at least four occasions by either Mexico City Air Route Traffic Control Center or the tower that they were to land on runway 23R. Further, it indicated that landing on the closed 23L required only that the crew continue their current flight path, which was a straight-in ILS approach to 23L. The ALPA study surmised that the crew was confused as to what was required for the sidestep approach. Accessed 10-6-2016 at:, National Transportation Safety Board. Accessed 10-7-2016 at: [p. 102], Twenty minutes before the accident to aircraft N-903WA, a B-727 aircraft of the Mexicana Airline which was performing Flight No. Flight 2605 remains the deadliest air accident to have occurred in Mexico City. Flight 2605 was on short final to the closed runway at 5:42 AM. DC-10 Crashes in Mexico City. The Register, Orange County, CA, 10-31-1979, p. As Flight 2605 approached Mexico City International Airport, air traffic controllers cleared it for aninstrument approachusing the ILS of Runway 23L, with an expected landing runway of 23R. Does not that a truck was hit but does not note a ground fatality. The Safety Board believes that it is the obligation of the developers of approach procedures and charts to incorporate human factors considerations into their design so that the possibility for pilot confusion, misinterpretation, or error is eliminated. (NTSB Safety Recommendation(s) A-82-91 through -93, p. Airport 34 U.S. of 73, 2023 March 24, tornado/severe storms, MS/25 & AL/1, especially Rolling Fork, MS 26, 2023 Jan 23, workplace shootings, mushroom farm & trucking facility, Half Moon Bay, CA7, 2023 Jan 21, Lunar New Year mass shooting, Dance Studio, Monterey Park, LA Co., CA 11, 2023 Jan 1-14, CA winter weather, storms, heavy rain, levees breech, trees down, CA 19, 2022 Dec 19-26, snowstorms/cold, deaths in 20 States and Canada, esp. The guy who announces the go-around procedure sounds half asleep. 23R was the open runway, 23L was closed for resurfacing. According to our analysis, Afriqiyah Airways is the most hated airline in Libya. Washington, DC: NTSB, 7-14-1980, revised 8-21-1980. DC-10 Crashes in Mexico City. The Register, Orange County, CA, 10-31-1979, p. 1. No Han Sido Reclamadas 3 Victimas del Avianazo. El Informador, Retrieved 2016-05-05., [16] A U.S. Embassy spokesman said 26 of the dead and five of the 16 survivors were Americans.. I found a site which recently added some pictures I've never seen, as of November 11, 2014. One off-the-wall theory I've heard in regards to this crash was thatthe crew believed that 23R was the closed ILS runway and that 23L wasthe proper one. it would still give me a>sharp competitive edge against AirDisaster.Com for the general publicgenre.>I've spoken with a couple of my colleagues in the conspiracy kookarea, and>they've never heard of this. Survivors reported that large pieces of the building continued to fall onto the wreckage of the aircraft several minutes after the crash, as rescuers arrived on the scene. ), Nov 1, Annibali (as told to UPI): An Italian student, Alessandro Annibali, 22, survived the crashThis is his story. Beautiful shots taken while the sun is below the horizon, Accidents She stopped him in the middle of the cabin and said, "Don't you feel it? I just saw that the plane was tilted a little bit toward the right, and it touched down with the right tire. I know that neither of those>approaches are in Jeppesen Manuals - at least not the ones I have ->nor are they in the NOS plates.>>KRC>, >Well KRC, this person (who calls himself Eduardo Valenciana, BTW) is making>other oddball and presumably untrue statments like>>"the other crew member is F/A Donald Richards whom I pulled out of the>wreckage. 3, No. I don't think even the gullible publicwould believe that one. At 0542 h on 31 October 1979, Western Airlines Flight 2605, a DC-10 aircraft, crashed while landing on Runway 23 Left at Licenciado Benito Jurez International Airport, Mexico City. NTSB Safety Recommendation A-80-59 and -60: On October 31, 1979, Western Airlines, Inc., McDonnell Douglass DC-10-10, N-903WA, crashed at Mexico City International Airport, Mexico. Here's a scan of an article from Flying Magazine, the occasion being ALPA investigation into this crash (article begins on page 100, also at one point it breaks and continues after several pages of classified ads): Just as a point of interest, C Gilbert the Capt had was a Marine in the Pacific during WWll. Wikipedia. Even if this person's story is complete bull shit, it would still give me asharp competitive edge against AirDisaster.Com for the general public genre.I've spoken with a couple of my colleagues in the conspiracy kook area, andthey've never heard of this. Yourconclusion??? Before that time not such manuver was everrecorded in the Jepsen Maunal or anywhere else to any U.S.airline", Sadly, the conditions, bad enough when I first landed there in 1957,continue each year to grow worse, with no end in sight except repeattragedies or halting flying. 2605, a McDonnell Douglas DC10-10, registration N-903WA, owned by Western Airlines Inc., had taken off from Los Angeles International Airport, California, for Mexico City, D.F. Airport overviews from the air or ground, Tails and Winglets Mexico Jet-Crash Toll Rises to 74. Toledo Blade, OH, 11-1-1979, p. 2. Thirty days, After thecrash, the FAA went to Mexico and along side La Officina De NavagacionEspacio Mexicana, developed a side step manuver for U.S. pilots into BenitoJuarez Airport. Airport workers Sunday also found the decomposed remains of an unidentified woman under the planes twisted wreckage, officials said Monday.. 101-109.). From October 1979; Western Airlines DC10-10; Mexico City, Mexico: Thecrew inadvertently landed on a closed runway parallel to the activerunway. Would be useful if we could read the transcrips before the top,of descent; was there an approach briefing that mentioned a sidestep/circle maneuver to 23R? At the time of the accident, runway 23L had fullinstrument approachequipment, including anInstrument Landing System (ILS), while Runway 23R did not. Thirty days>After the>crash, the FAA went to Mexico and along side La Officina De Navagacion>Espacio Mexicana, developed a side step manuver for U.S. pilots into Benito>Juarez Airport. On October 31, 1979, the aircraft used for the flight, a McDonnell Douglas. Mexico Jet-Crash Toll Rises to 74. Toledo Blade, OH, 11-1-1979, p. Aftermath: Wrong Runway Landing, Flying, Dec 1983, pp. Investigators probe DC-10 crash site. The Daily Herald, Arlington Heights, IL, 11-2-1979, p. 2-7. Tail and Winglet closeups with beautiful airline logos. at 0140 h local time on 31 October 1979. subsequently instructing the cleared the crew to approach Mexico City via Tepexpan, The aircraft was banked to the right and this inclination increased so much that when the aircraft was approximately 1,500 m from the threshold of Runway 23 Left, the outer section of the right wing flap struck the cab of an excavator which was parked parallel to the right-hand edge of Runway 23 Left. As Flight 2605 crashed on Mexican soil, the accident investigation was performed by the Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC). lornajarrettblanchard The event is the third-deadliest aviation accident on Mexican soil after the crashes of two Boeing 727s: the 1969 crash of Mexicana de Aviacin Flight 704 and that of Mexicana de Aviacin Flight 940 in 1986. Yes they didn't make the sidestep to the active runway but they didn't even land on the closed runway, instead contacting the ground with one main gear off the runway in the grass. Differing totals of ground injuries and fatalities were reported. 26 1979 Accidents, No. Their conclusion? Before that time not such manuver was ever recorded in the>Jepsen Maunal or anywhere else to any U.S. airline.">. for new videos from @THINKcn : At the time of the accident, Runway 23L had full instrument approach equipment, including an instrument landing system (ILS), while Runway 23R did not. It then impacted anEastern Airlinesservice buildingnorth of both runways, 26 seconds after it initially touched down. A missed approach had been initiated. <<. October 31, 1979. And one person on the ground was killed. Captain Charles Gilbert was the pilot of Western Airlines Flight 2605 when it crashed at Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City on October 31, 1979. WA 2605, A 35 AOS DEL PEOR ACCIDENTE AREO EN LA CIUDAD DE MXICO Hopefully this accident is featured on one of the future Air Crash Investigation episodes on Discovery channel. Accessed 10-6-2016 at:, Wikipedia. [2] Crew members of aDC-10 that crashed Oct. 31 in Mexico City killing 75 people were responsible for the accident because they violated airline safety procedures, the Mexican government said Friday [Dec 14]., [3] The death toll from last months crash of a Western Airlines DC-10 has risen to 75, authorities said. 2. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. the flight. We were close, but when the companyparaded us around the system in a "dog & pony show," other crew members werequick to cataterize us as "hero" and "the one that got pulled out." Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, USA. Weather conditions were deteriorating during Flight 2605's instrument approach. This amazing book chronicles the events of Oct. 31, 1979, when Western Airlines Flight 2605 crashed in Mexico City. Western Airlines Flight 2605 was an international scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California, to Mexico City, Mexico. Accessed from Index for October 1979 at:, National Transportation Safety Board. The aircraft's bank angle continued to increase to the point that the right wing began to cut into the ground and taxiways nearby the closed runway. He's heading that way. Officials said the black box flight recording was recovered and a transcript of the final conversation with the control tower was released late Wednesday by Mexican Televisions channel 2. the white-and-red jetlinercarried 75 passengers and 13 crewmen. 74 UPI. The controller several times refers to "23 right" but the crew neverreads back "23 right." There are a few youtube videos of the cockpit voice transcript from this accident. These charts should clearly indicate the airport approach plan view, the profile view, and the landing minima required. Passengers have taken to Twitter to express their frustration with delayed flights, poor customer service, and unclear communication. No U.S. investigator was allowed on the crash site nor allowed to investigate the wreckage or airport facilities. Now airborne, the aircrafts right landing gear collided with a truck located on the left shoulder of the runway which was closed for repairs. Because of refurbishing work on runway 23L, the flight was cleared for a runway 23R approach. The captain further stated that they were in fact (still) on the approach to 23L, saying "No, this is the approach to the goddamned left". Maybe I can sell the story to Hard Copy. About 0541 Mexican Central Time Western Airlines DC-10 Flight 2605 was making an approach to the airport in reported VFR conditions when it touched down on the dirt on the left of the edge of Runway 23 Left, which was closed to traffic. Thanks for sharing that link. Unfortunately (and that word is an understatement - perhaps tragically orstupidly works better) they forgot to cross to the right as cleared, and landedon the left which was closed for reconstruction and flew into a bulldozer. He was on this flight to investigate the El Salvadoran civil war. (Class II, Priority Action) (A-80-59), Publish and Advisory Circular, or amend an existing Advisory Circular, to disseminate information on the sidestep maneuver procedures, terminal ATC communication procedures, radar separation and equipment requirements, and landing minima applicable to the use of the sidestep maneuver by American air carriers at both domestic and foreign airports. In addition, we believe there is a need to publish more information on sidestep maneuver procedures. A lot of fire came out and the pilot tried to go up again but it was not possible so we turned right more and more, more dangerously, and then a big explosion. 11-1-1979, A12. Of the 89 people on . The impact with the dump truck destroyed the right engine and took off a major portion of the right stabilizer. DC-10 crew at fault. Hutchinson News, KS, 12-15-1979, p. Probably nothing, but it could give me a competitive edge over Kilroy To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! [3] History of the Flight. Approximately 3.3 seconds after the touchdown and in a 10-11-degree nose-up attitude, the right main gear collided with a dump truck loaded with 10 tons of earth.

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