Powered by Squarespace. endobj Shelter Island Presbyterian Church in Shelter Island, NY. WebHeres a pastoral prayer for Palm/Passion Sunday the last Sunday in Lent. endobj 207 0 obj All rights reserved. playing mandolin and banjo PC's very own bluegrass/rock group, Hosegrass, Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year A, Home We pray this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. We gather to begin holy week,a week, though dark and dismal,that is nevertheless a preparation for resurrection -a resurrection to which we have been sealed in our baptisms.Together, we are preparing to be renewed by the light of the empty tomb.What will we find there?What truths will be discovered in the light of Easter morning?Answer us, Lord. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology (lindsayc@ucc.org). Leave your name & email, and Ill send you my weekly sermon. All of these words and actions stirred the Jewish leaders to remove Jesus from the community. It is the Revised Common Lectionary passage for the liturgy of the passion on April the 2nd. Prayers for Palm Sunday and Holy Week (April 10-16, 2022) (Portions of this prayer are adapted from the Palm Sunday Liturgy in the Moravian Book of Worship) We read the watchword for the week: The Lord is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation. Become our salvation. endobj Amen. I may worship you, <>stream I think he was more willing to be human than we often are, and I see it in this kind of kenosis. endobj I think that the enemy is actually saying, hey, dont forget your God. Become our salvation. endobj The theme for this week is having the mind of Christ, and on this Palm Sunday, we pause to consider the thoughts Jesus must have been thinking as he approached the events of Holy Week. Great minds do think alike, and Philippians 2:5-11 challenges us to develop the mind of Christ by understanding kenosis and how it can be part of our mindset, too. Have you ever participated in centering prayer, silence, or Lectio Divina as spiritual practices? endobj Just be God again and then you wont have any of these problems. . The principal liturgies for the Triduum are Holy Thursday Last Supper Mass at 7 pm, Good Friday Veneration of the Cross at 3 pm, and the Easter Vigil at 8 pm. Im just glad I can be a channel of the Good News. 16 0 obj These prayers might be used in a variety of settings: Opening Prayers (at the beginning of worship) or concluding collects (after the Prayers of God. Religion and minored in History. The annual celebration of Passover recalls Gods deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. <> With all the extra people in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration, the Roman guards feared an uprising they could not control. Instead, the cross and resurrection must be held together theologically. You have the power. Palm Sunday Prayer Dear Lord, How amazing it must have been on Palm Sunday to see you coming down to the Holy City amid shouts of joy. Holy God, On this Palm Sunday we come to you as people who sing with joy. endobj Passion/Palm Sunday Holy Week 2023. WebPrayers for Passion / Palm Sunday. And I think Ive learned a lot about what it means to be human by studying Jesus. Staff is centered in Nashville, Tennessee, but we also have staff at locations across the United States. Here is a prayer for you that helps us enter the joy of the Palm Sunday Bible verses in Matthew 21:1-9, Mark 11:1-10 and John 12:12-15. The result is that, for them, there is a distortion in the story. On the one hand, an oversimplified theology of glory can undervalue death by implying that it is merely a stepping-stone on the path to resurrection. And out of that anxiety, Im tempted to just work harder and try to be God basically. On the other hand, an oversimplified theology of the cross can overvalue death as a work, by implying that resurrection is merely a consequence of the passion; therefore, if one suffers and dies for the faith, one will have earned resurrection. Thats what we received, the God that we have given to us in Jesus Christ. Become our salvation. endobj If you get a chance to rate and review the show, that helps a lot. The need to affirm, as Holy Week begins, the inseparable relationship between the death and the resurrection of Jesus is precisely the reason the passion of Christ and the palms are linked together as Passion/Palm Sunday. <> . Blessed is the One who comes in the <> 20 0 obj Within a couple days Jesus was in serious trouble, by Thursday evening he was arrested, and on Friday he died by crucifixion. 1 Peter 5:7 E.. May we, who like the original disciples forsook Jesus and fled, in the end recover our courage and conviction, and emerge, as did they, stronger and wiser and infinitely more deepened in faith than could otherwise have been the case. the family and Stephen began his journey as a life-long musician. began his tenure at Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC where he majored in Interwoven with such liturgical experiences are the stories of the passion of Christ. Ive printed this and will refer to it every day and all days as we navigate what lies ahead. Holy Father, who gave his only son so that we might find life and live it abundantly, awaken in us the humility to serve wherever creation is broken and in need. In July of 2014, Stephen was installed an ordained as Teaching Elder at We echo the hosannas of his first followers, we proclaim him as king, we hail him as our redeemer. Reflections On Faith and Values by Steve Harsh, There are so many needs and so much we need to be grateful for that to try and list joys and concerns would take all day. Why. endobj endobj Tags: Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday, pastoral prayer, prayer. After a palm processional, a Gospel passion narrative has been read. Were tired, Lord, so very tired. That eventually we just step into the reality. I see him doing that, that hes choosing once more not to go back to being God. It could be argued that out of all these high and holy days, this one is the most human. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Let us now worship the God who always has the last word. Empower us with patience as you did the Hebrews for forty long years in the wilderness, as you did Jesus for 40 days of temptation by Satan, and as you did St. Paul through shipwreck and persecution to keep the faith, to fight the good fight and to finish this race. 216 0 obj <> But what a crazy thing. 2 0 obj <> So Im just going to pause for a moment and ask you to pray wherever you are right now and share whatever you most want to say to God, knowing that God is always close enough to taste the salt of our tears, be they tears of joy or sorrow. What happens to us when major disaster strikes, and we are left stunned and terrified, supposing that Thou hast forsaken us, and also Jesus? Will you just give me some more space? We are reminded through the scripture that you sent two of your disciples out to make the world ready for your coming: Go into the village . 238 0 obj [00:06:45] Mandy: Yeah, youre right. Discipleship Ministries is an agency of The United Methodist Church 2023 Discipleship Ministries. Through simple living let us crucify poverty. Lets look at Jesuss example as described in Philippians 2:5-11 to understand how our Triune God approaches the idea of kenosis. However, we continue to have leadership offices, meeting rooms, and The Upper Room Chapel at 1908 Grand Avenue, in Nashville. Franciscan theologian and philosopher, Bonaventure, who lived in 1221-1274, talks about the relationship of the Trinity as a fountain full of love. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). <> First, he became a human, emptying himself of his divine privilege and putting on our flesh (Philippians 2:7). 208 0 obj Palm Sunday was the most glorious day in Jesus life. Because of us. For three years, Stephen served as the endobj That makes us really uncomfortable because if we were going to be Godif I was going to be God, I wouldnt even think that was the way to do it. . If so, please share about your experience. For questions regarding Worship Ways, please contact Rev. Listen to audio: https://cloud.gci.org/dl/GReverb/GR034-MandySmith-LivingHope-W1.mp3, April 2 The Liturgy of the Passion Palm Sunday Prayer God, On this Holy day of Palm Sunday and Passion, we have so many mixed feelings in side of us. tell them the lord has need. Remind us that your kingdom breaks into the world not as a spectacle for us to witness but as a parade where we are called to make a working contribution. But we also question the strength and validity of our commitment, as did all Jesus followers, when he ended up on a cross. 30 0 obj Strengthen us as you did Jesus so long ago to ride into Jerusalem knowing what lay ahead for him. Find resources for Passion / Palm Sunday from Biblical and Confessional Resources for Worship. 241 0 obj What insight does this idea of Gods presence right here give us about worrying, especially in light of Jesuss admonition in Matthew 6:34? Caught between joy and despair, we yearn for the fulfillment of Gods desire beyond the brokenness and neediness endobj endobj of which Stephen was a founding member (Hosegrass even released their own The crowd of people waving branches with Jesus were the Jews who also traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Celebration. 17 0 obj CD!). PC(USA). Philippians 2:5-11, Kenosis. You are the prince q8/>]KNd,%FFSNsgHdXRs__-yr..0]]O\/'d>1Rq$YGHFl0ye9f>a>BN}.I"H2[>LaH$CEd,/=1p\zS=:3w2wO2FubA\3Y{^ By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. And that feels like really good news to me that this is not only Jesus story. Support the Pentecost Offering. God of mercy and compassion, speak to those whose needs we entrust to you today. WebPrayer For Palm Sunday. . Theological Seminary to pursue God's call on his life to be a pastor in the Be with every one of us as we seek to prepare for your resurrectionby following you to your death.Answer us, Lord. <> Prayers for Palm & Passion Sunday March 28, 2021 This liturgy of silence and story combines Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-11) and Passion Sunday (Mark 14:1 endobj Palm Sunday Prayer for Joyful Worship Thank You, Father, for the Lead us now on the road to the cross. is not of rank or status or even suffering, but of love; L: Blessed is the One who comes in the Lords Name! If we leap from Palm Sundays Hosannas to Easter Days Hallelujahs we overlook the pivotal event of Christs suffering and death on the cross. Finally, he challenged the Jewish leaders about their own failures and sins. As this service opens, the crowd waves palm branches, wanting to crown Jesus as king. Let the light of your love flood into our lives and through us to all those who have been captured by darkness, that the light may give them healing, freedom and hope. Become our salvation.Be with those who have lost loved ones,those who will struggle to sing "alleluia" later this week.Answer us, Lord. Among the instruments that he enjoys are 203 0 obj endobj Lets read Philippians 2:5-11. We pray to you, Good and Gracious God,by lifting up to your our heartfelt prayers.Answer us, Lord. Jesus went into the temple and flipped over the money tables of those selling sacrificial animals. 193 0 obj And invite your fellow preachers and Bible lovers to join us! And I am working on a message from John 20:24-29 for Easter. <>/P 31 0 R/S/Link>> Since Become our salvation. By Jesus becoming fully human, humanity is bestowed with dignity and fellowship with the Divine. As we close, lets read together a poem prayer written by Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes from the Unfolding Light website: Your deepest humility and self-emptying This is the day that the Lord has made. We have 19 individuals who will be Baptized and/or Confirmed at the Vigil. attending Tennessee Tech. <> A Palm Sunday Prayer O Lord Jesus Christ, when you entered Jerusalem, great crowds waved palm branches and cried Hosanna. Save us now from our sins, <> We Appligent AppendPDF Pro 6.3 piano, trumpet, guitar, and handbells. <> %PDF-1.7 % document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. WebThis we pray in Your name and for the sake of your glory, AMEN Richard Herman What did they cry out that first Palm Sunday? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Dont let us give up doing the things we all must do to save others. I want to receive newsletters and other email from Discipleship Ministries. 212 0 obj 220 0 obj Abi. But we can see it is true by observing Jesus life and interactions with people. Amen, Northwest UMC on-line worship, April 5, 2020, Thank you, Steve. Mandy, this is one of my favorite passages, the Christ hymn. 19 0 obj Use LoopiaWHOIS to view the domain holder's public information. <> In 2014, 9Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Prayer of the faithful (Archive) 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. That is good news to here. [PAUSE]. <> Today we joyfully acclaim Jesus our Messiah Suspending our desire to change or control others requires a big dose of humility, and that starts with kenosis. endobj uuid:e6913bfd-b34f-11b2-0a00-f08cfa010000 endobj Jesus celebrated the high feast days in the Jewish calendar. Because nothing in all creation can silence your power, O Lord; not fear or selfishness, not even this awful virus or any threat this world can throw at us. Everything we celebrate as Christians is connected to the events in Christs life that we recall this week. In Awe of Grace Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A - Offertory Prayer. Amen. My Chief, my Beloved, A love for the Mass and the Parish Community is often what invites people to join the Church. Our call to worship in Psalm 31 finds the psalmist in sorrow and grief, yet confident God is aware of his suffering. Pastoral Prayer, Palm Passion Sunday. Why or why not? I hear, however, that the church is going strong under Pastor Nathans leadership. (LogOut/ The Lords Prayer- Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come. I am working on a message on Matthew 26:36-46 for Good Friday. Please join me in welcoming these new members to the practice of the faith at the Easter Vigil. (Matthew 21:1-11). endobj After his entrance into the city, Jesus prayed and taught in the temple area. endobj But as the story of the passion unfolds, their shouts of praise turn to demands for his crucifixion; he receives a crown of thorns as he is handed over to be mocked and killed. The lessons was on Loving One Another. This coming Sunday, I intend to continue to the series with a lesson on Forgiving One Another. Thus, the palm procession with ringing Hosannas symbolically foreshadows the Hallelujahs of Gods promised future when the risen Jesus will lead his people into a new Jerusalem. endobj <> Thanks Debbie. That there doesnt need to be fear in the emptying of ourselves just as we see in Jesus Christ. endobj Why should we be in awe of this kenosis reality of God revealed in Jesus Christ? <> Login to Loopia Customer zone and actualize your plan. 5 0 obj Throughout time and trial, you have led us through the wilderness on paths long and toilsome. then, he has found a love of music and has found this gift particularly 1st Sunday of Advent, Year C. fitting for his call to ministry. Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A, A Living Hope Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. The extent to which we understand the resurrection of Jesus will be determined by our understanding of his passion. And I confess that most of my Christian experience has been more about Jesus as God. When one of you came up with an idea that the other had also just thought of, you may have said something like this: Great minds think alike., Today were going to study what was probably an early Christian hymn found in Philippians 2, and well explore what verse 5 in this passage means when it suggests that we should have the same mind as Jesus. The Father holds nothing back but empties into Jesus, the Son. And the only thing I know to do, and I do this every single morning, I do this every time I feel overwhelmedwhich is oftento instead of trying to fill myself up, being called to empty and say, Lord, I just confess all the ways Im trying to fix this on my own, and all the ways I feel in over my head. 2022 St. Philomena Catholic Church. We recall all these events during this Holy Week. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. endobj This hymn setting of Psalm 31 may be used as a musical interlude during the long Gospel reading for Passion / Palm Sunday. endobj P: During this Lenten journey we have seen miracles and mysteries. The lessons was on Loving One Another. This coming Sunday, I intend to continue to the series with a lesson on Forgiving One Another. In our worship service, I preached the ninth part of my series on the Ten Commandments: Tell the Truth (Exodus 20:16).

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