Youve probably found that you prefer one-to-one interactions rather than group events. Since you feel older than people your own age, you probably have friends who are older than you. As a high vibrational being, you have a strong presence. 1. You wouldnt have said yes to your mission if you didnt think you would make it. Taking your vacation in an all-inclusive resort will probably be your idea of utter boredom. The two connect easily and cherish their soul connection. There are nearly 8 billion people in the world today, and of them, only around 10% are believed to be old souls. Why is the over-sexualisation of the divine feminine form used to sell the world on everything they dont need? Some people refer to this searching, this longing, as a thirst to return back home.. You feel sad, helpless and reflect inwards and you ask things like: 27) You have a good intuition. There are many times old souls who have difficulty in comprehending a world that doesnt always admire truth. Control, restrictions and limitation are foreseeable issues for every old soul. It is your aura, your energy, and vibration. The Invisible Enemy When the truth is right before your eyes and you seemingly cant see it.The invisible enemy isnt invisible at all. Relationships are often long-lasting and loving, and there may be a desire for more sensuality than sex. Youre patient and can feel the emotions of others (empathy), You have profound wisdom about the human experience that you want to share, but it also makes you feel out of sync with people, Youre well-integrated spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally, You can look deep inside yourself for answers, Worldly possessions and status dont mean much to you, You see the world a little mystically. The sabertooth cat ( Smilodon fatalis) is the official California State Fossil. Kids who are old souls are exceedingly fun to watch especially around their parents. Moreover, they easily overcome the confines of the ego and focus on enlightenment and self-realization.. You are strictly against factory farming and animal abuse, and you feel guilty eating meat. However, there are many people who defy this norm and instead find their purpose in life after reaching a certain age. They are deep thinkers. Almost every old soul has self-control. So you try to let go of hurt, anger and resentment to whoever has hurt you in the past. Perhaps you have been doing volunteering, work for a NGO or donate monthly to a charity. If theres anything on an old souls mind theyll let you know. Extroverts love your company, as they wont be interrupted by another extrovert inserting their opinion before they have finished their sentence. Old Souls are individuals who are usually more spiritually-minded than others their age. and average or common work. Old souls hate regulating people by something as artificial as time. Being an old soul, youve undoubtedly mapped out a specific life path designed to bring you the greatest learning experience, which your Higher Self is helping you fulfil every step of the way. Id wager if I were a gambling woman-you feel close to someone older than you. Depending upon an old souls personality type, youll find the timing and the delivery different but never the bluntness. 7) You value freedom and have a hard time working in a traditional office job, as it makes you feel trapped. For example, you may have thought before, I am not this body.. Things are just tools that youve attracted to your life to help you to make things more comfortable, and beyond that, youd rather live through experiences-not stuff. From an old souls context, they embrace the fact that they are just visiting this planet, like a foreign ambassador would visit this country from their original place of origin. In school, teachers want their tests taken in a limited amount of time. Old souls often ultimately decide that they want to live closer to nature and move into the countryside. While there is no scientific definition of an old soul, it is generally accepted to be a term used to describe someone who is different from the mainstream. You dont need to have everything in the here and now. After all, ideas are your currency. Someone who is an old soul is mentally and emotionally more mature than most people. You probably wouldnt have clicked on this blog post if it wasnt a vibrational match to who you are. Your cup is always half full and not half empty. Its hard to quench your thirst for truth and wisdom, which you often seek through older friends or relatives as well as books. 50) You are reading this. Most likely are old souls; Might have had a difficult childhood; Highly creative and artistic individuals; Suffered trauma early in life . Are you often told that you have an old soul? Wonder why? Youre not, of course. Some speculate that around 10-15% of the Earth population consists of old souls. You were born sensitive and connected spiritually, although depending on life experiences, some sensitivity may have been cast aside for survival. This isnt surprising because youve dedicated your lifetime (possibly lifetimes) to learning and growing. The idea that problems can be solved in such a binary fashion doesnt fit with your world view. Small talk is something youcannotstand not one bit. Offering yourself in service to others is something thats instinctive. You might be inclined to go on a 10-day meditation retreat or travel to the Amazon jungle to do an Ayahuasca ceremony. Not every old soul has complete awareness in knowing, how they do what they do, but its a common trait. Having paid off their karma, old souls are gifted with keen insight and the uncanny ability to see into the heart and soul of others. You dont feel very comfortable being in situations where you are the center of attention, for example holding a speech or hosting a party. People in your own age group might have been too immature and only interested in superficial interests compared to those whore older. Pride in knowing something others dont Theyre confident that they see how all of the pieces work together and that gives them a sense of purpose and often joy. 15) You LOVE animals. They have either already experienced a spiritual awakening or are on their way to it. They often stand out in their behavior and live more outside the box when it comes to the rules of society. 16) You are curious. 18) You see the value in meditation and you want to make it a daily habit (if it isnt already). Generally, young souls are more carefree and innocent, while old souls are deep thinkers who have experienced a great deal of life. It could be that they seek love advice, business advice or general life advice. Youre so happy when you listen to people talk about how things used to be done, whether its cooking, farming, shopkeeping, sewing, or anything. Our souls are not native to Earth. It's also common for them to communicate effectively with animals. Theyre hard workers, but they understand how to make work fun and rewarding, even if it doesnt appear that way to others. Ideas are the currency that you trade-in. Old souls tend to be very powerful but generally quieter or self-reflective. 714-871-3280. An old soul is an individual who experiences the world as if they were older than their chronological age, thus the use of the word old.. Youre not a bad person or overly guarded. experience the ascension from 3rd dimensional to 5th-dimensional consciousness. Old souls are people who have lived on this Earth more times than most. 4) You love reading and educating yourself. In just one session, you can find out why youre here on Earth in this lifetime, heal old wounds and tap into the infinite wisdom of Your Higher Self. You can often see the wisdom in their eyes but there is no specific hair color, skin color, height, etc. Although this appetite for learningisa great strength, it can often lead to overwhelming yourself. 8) You feel you have a life purpose. When an old soul reaches out in conversation, its a double whammy of candid truthfulness. Its amazing to have nice things. Follow me on social media for inspiration every day. And that should be a great comfort to you when you feel at your lowest. Why are we fighting each other when we should be fighting poverty? 16K views, 545 likes, 471 loves, 3K comments, 251 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: Starting at 8 a.m. Its something not all souls are used to or equipped to deal with when they incarnate here for the first time. Some believe that being an old soul is the product of having reincarnated many times. You dont care about the same things and you dont have the same interests. As an old soul you're passionate about reading, and learning because you're able to see that knowledge is power. You are always bursting with new ideas you want to try and you have a creative hobby you enjoy such as painting, writing or playing an instrument. Not only is their thinking advanced but so is their spiritual connection to a greater insight. And you get a lot of 'contentment miles' out of each social event you attend. You affect the space that youre in, and people feel a magnetic pull towards you. Old Souls are often outsiders looking in, they feel as though they don't "belong" in this world, or this period of time. You see life differently from others. Connect with your higher self with these free podcasts to increase your spiritual skills. You need to be stimulated and challenged above all else. While for some people it would be torture spending a whole weekend alone, you love it. An old soul's use of clairvoyance to find a lost item in behalf of a friend may be leave an unforgettable impression but to them it's really no big deal. You may have found when you were growing up especially if you had an older sibling that you always wanted to be included in what they were doing with their friends. Their souls have manifested and being reincarnated here time after time. You and me both! Old souls display a natural humility that such aptitudes arent a reward for things done or accomplished, as much as they are remembered. On the contrary, old souls often thrive off of this alone time, and they may feel connected in other ways to nature, the universe, and even humanity, although they often sense they cant relate. Read the signs below and take note of how many resonate with you. I speak all the time about creating a life of affluence, ease, and joy, but your possessions dont control you, and you dont feel an overwhelming need to spend money on stuff. For possibly appearing standoffish. Old soul or adult-philosophically oriented-Me and you and we are both part of something bigger. Although, you dont mean it, you can end up trying to rescue people and step over their boundaries. Children who are old souls actually look baffled when they are asked to lie or even pretend outside of the truth. They come from a number of planets that are linked with the Lyra star system. Others believe that old souls are simply born with a . Lightworker You might even have been bullied or made fun of. Ive seen big burly men as typically as seen by their rough exterior show their love, tenderheartedness and the innocence of a newborn child as an old soul. You are great hunnie! 45) You know your body is a shell for your soul. They often find themselves drawn to things like meditation, yoga, and other forms of spirituality. You also absorb peoples emotions easily, which often leaves you emotionally exhausted by the end of the day. You believe the soul lives on after this life. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. defines an old soul as "a person, especially a child or young person, who demonstrates a maturity, understanding, or seriousness that is typical of someone much older." That's a pretty great way to explain the term, though there's more to it than that. Many Old Souls practice a natural form of shadow work in which they are constantly reflecting on how they could do better, prevent their issues from getting bigger, and create more inner harmony.. 6. On the flip side, when an Old Soul meets another Old Soul, dating becomes almost automatic. They enjoy spiritual access but sometimes, especially in classrooms, old souls present a land mine to taking any lesson forward by asking too many questions. 23) You dont want to control others. This doesnt mean you wont go to the family dinner or meet your friends in a bar.

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