Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Example: Can provide loans to places in Sub-saharan Africa. Reduce child mortality. This shift is characterized by the use of advanced technologies, such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence, as well as the increasing importance of knowledge-based activities, such as design, research, and development. Economic causes include the cycle of poverty and global trading systems. Command economy: A command economy, also known as a planned economy, is one in which the government controls the production and distribution of goods and services. the division of the world into major economic centers, centers of manufacturing, and extremely poor communities. Protecting and conserving natural resources: This can involve conserving biodiversity, protecting natural habitats, and managing natural resources in a sustainable way. 4) Drive to maturity - New ideas and technology improve and replace older industries, economic growth spreads throughout the country. These can also be used to compare countries with each other. (Round per unit costs to three decimals, but inventory balances to the dollar.). {|gbG]:$rQ*;589DU@)~?TyLo b\.z (Xzb;;c8{/@d!Z"t?SSnw*L.?Spm8SpO0R;/_v$dKllt34`4;ov+m} Coastal and marine areas: These are areas along the coast or in the ocean that are rich in biodiversity and provide opportunities for ecotourism activities such as snorkeling, diving, and whale watching. Wind energy: This type of energy is generated using wind turbines that convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. nLy,En[SP Example: making clothes, The portion of the economy concerned with transportation, communications, and utilities, sometimes extended to the provision of all goods and services to people in exchange for payment. - More developed countries, use the resources of the periphery to continue their success. Examples include Yellowstone National Park in the United States, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, and Galapagos National Park in Ecuador. Maquiladoras are factories located in developing countries that import raw materials and export finished goods. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. Percentage of a country's people who can read and write. Warm climates make diseases like malaria or dengue fever more common, causing sickness, and reducing the workforce, limiting economic growth. Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy. the number of live births per thousand of population per year. Core areas. Going down to even smaller scales, within a city core and peripheral areas can be spatially designated. D) Analyze the relationship between globalization and resource distribution, providing at least one example of how globalization can impact the distribution of resources. The map above shows Brazil's regional Human Development Index. Examples include the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and the Mayan ruins in Mexico. %%EOF Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. Answer: A sustainable city is a city that is designed to meet the needs of its residents while also protecting the environment and conserving resources for future generations. Life expectancy is generally much higher in HICs. An example of population distribution is the fact that China's natural physical conditions resulted in uneven population distribution. It is usually used to measure income inequality, but can be used to measure any form of uneven distribution. g. Law of Demand Ecotourism can provide economic opportunities for these communities and help to preserve their cultural traditions. The Chancellor of Germany in the 1970s divided the world into the 'Rich North' and the 'Poor South', with a line that roughly circled the world at 30. Making items for profit. Population growth is a global phenomenon that has significant environmental and social implications. This is because the primary objective is to make money from that resource, rather than focusing on ways to improve development. The map above shows development aid flows around the world. Answer: Population growth refers to the increase in the number of individuals in a population over time. Development is vastly uneven, with some countries being highly developed, while others suffer the consequences of low development. For instance, in areas without access to clean water, people may spend significant time and effort collecting water, reducing their ability to pursue education or other economic opportunities. For example, the use of certain words or phrases can signal membership in a particular group and reinforce cultural ties. This is vastly uneven globally; let's take a look at some of the reasons why. B) Explain two social or cultural consequences of migration, providing an example of each. *Schemes are not always appropriate and not always sustainable long term because of lack of local knowledge. Ecotourism is a type of tourism that focuses on experiencing natural areas while minimizing the negative impact on the environment. Birdwatching: This type of ecotourism involves observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat. secondary and tertiary economic activities, primary and secondary economic activities. (B) Describe two historical or contemporary factors that have influenced language distribution and diversity. Answer: Globalization has had a significant impact on state sovereignty by promoting greater economic and political interdependence among states. example, "Population") was also useful for answering the question, especially in parts B and C. Sample: 3A Score: 6 They can provide a wide range of ecotourism opportunities, such as wildlife watching, hiking, and cultural tours. Life expectancy is the amount of time a person is likely to live. the total value of goods produced and services provided by a country in a year, divided by the total number of people living in that country. Answer: Language convergence refers to the blending of two or more languages into a new, hybrid language. when one country gives something to another country. Which of the following regions has a high population density but a low level of economic development? 2. (G) For a multinational state facing the realities of devolution, explain why a government would choose to create an autonomous region or choose to maintain a unitary state. Check out the video below whichshows how countries are pulling themselves out of poverty. The access to health, or the amount of comfort/leisure and feelings of safety. The effects of uneven development include wealth disparities, health disparities, and international migration. No points are deducted for wrong or blank answers on the exam. One example of how globalization has affected the power of the state is the growth of supranational organizations like the European Union, which have the power to override certain decisions made by individual member states. It is where natural resources are located. The precautionary principle: This principle states that when there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or human health, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason to postpone measures to prevent that harm. Colonialism refers to the control of countries by another country. They have significant economic power and influence and are often accused of exploiting developing countries and undermining local businesses and cultures. Different countries around the world have different levels of development, which can directly affect the populations living in those countries. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. For instance, as more people move to cities, air pollution from transportation and industry can increase, and natural habitats may be destroyed to make way for urban development. How does climate affect uneven development? Determine the costs assigned to the ending inventory when costs are assigned based on FIFO. In wealthy countries as much as three-quarters (in a few cases close to a hundred percent) of the population is engaged in tertiary and quaternary economic activities. endstream endobj startxref Og70dAl}gx)&~:TvZ?4HC\5bOfh~~`a!/6-~ PK;~Q=. Answer: Resource distribution refers to the way in which resources are allocated and accessed in a society. Hiking and backpacking: This type of ecotourism involves exploring natural areas on foot, often along trails or in wilderness areas. Therefore, if you see any glaring errors or omissions, and wish to give me a heads-up, I can be reached via email at Fig. The SDGs are intended to be integrated and indivisible, meaning that they are interconnected and cannot be achieved in isolation. Natural disasters can also hinder development, as well as water insecurity. asituation whereby a nations economic structure is altered by a change in the political system, afunction of economic change whereby one nations economy flourishes at the expense of another nations economy, asituation whereby a nations political structure is altered by the changing nature of the economy, afunction of economic change whereby one region's economy flourishes at the expense of another regions economy. Have all your study materials in one place. True or false: microfinance loans can help individuals escape poverty. Semi-periphery areas. Uneven distribution of a natural resource, such as oil, can impact economic development as countries with access to the resource may become wealthier while countries without access may struggle to compete economically. Let's take a look! Similarly, Silicon Valley in California has become a hub for technology companies due to the concentration of skilled workers, research institutions, and venture capital firms in the region. Economic gains can then vary, and economic growth is therefore relatively unreliable. Sign up to highlight and take notes. An example of deindustrialization is the decline of the manufacturing sector in the United States in recent decades. Here are some examples of countries that are often classified as LDCs: Afghanistan Bangladesh Burkina Faso Cambodia Ethiopia Haiti Malawi Nepal Sierra Leone Tajikistan Here are some examples of countries that are often classified as MDCs: Australia Canada Japan Germany United States France United Kingdom South Korea Switzerland Sweden Rural and indigenous communities: These are small communities in remote areas that are often dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods. The Core-Periphery Model is used by geographers to describe the division of the world into three segments. This reduces the number of educated people in the home country. Achieve universal primary education. Answer: Urban planning can mitigate the negative effects of urbanization by promoting sustainable development and creating green spaces. fd.f. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. an attempt to measure the quality of life or well-being of a country.

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